Registration Fees
All presenting authors of accepted papers and all participants in accepted sessions (presenting authors, chairs, and discussants) are required to register before the author registration deadline of May 2nd, 2022.
Presenting authors are expected to attend the conference and to be present at the scheduled sessions.
Registration to the conference must be done through the EARLI – online registration system. Please go to and login with your credentials. You will find the „SIG8-Motivation meets SIG16-Metacognition conference: Dresden“ listed in your User Dashboard under „Upcoming Conferences“. Click on „Register“.
The early bird registration deadline is May 20th , 2022.
The late registration ends August 2nd, 2022.
Conference fees for all conference days differ only slightly between in-person and online attendance because both types of attendance create organizational and financial load.
They include admission to all conference sessions, detailed program and list of participants. For the online participants, it includes online access to all live-streamed and recorded sessions, for the on-site participants also morning and afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch.
The Conference Dinner will be at the French Pavilion of the Restaurant Alte Meister and can be booked during registration for 65 EUROs (Including food and drinks). We will also ask you to indicate during registration if you would like to participate in the free welcome event on the first day of the conference, and a guided walking tour of the city, on Wednesday evening, August 24th, 2022.
For further details see the detailed registration information (PDF).