August 24 – 25, 2022
17th International Conference on Motivation (ICM)
August 26, 2022
Joint events of the 2022 – SIG8 meets SIG16 Conference
Click here for the full version of the conference program (incl. rooms, co-authors etc., PDF). Please note that within some sessions there have been changes in the order of the presenters.
Please be aware of possible program changes. Changes will be posted outside of the venue rooms, at the conference registration desk and in the schedule of the Virtual Venue.
Click here to consult the book of abstracts (PDF).
Important update: For organizational reasons we cannot change anymore the formats of the symposia at this point of time. Thus, for presenters of in-person symposia it is not possible to switch to an online or hybrid attendance format. If for any reason a switch would be necessary, we can only offer to include a pre-recorded presentation, under the condition that this pre-record is sent timely to the chair of the symposium.