Teachers & Participants
We are pleased to announce that the following distinguished scholars and PhD students have confirmed their participation in the summer school.
- Roger Azevedo (University of Central Florida, USA)
- Ruth Butler (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
- Eleftheria Gonida (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Marko Lüftenegger (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Markku Niemivirta (University of Eastern Finland & University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Deborah Stipek (Stanford University, USA)
PhD participants:
- Sara Ahola (University of Oulu, Finland) – SIG8
Self-Efficacy and Participation in Group Level Regulation during Collaborative Learning - Sophia Braumann (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) – SIG16
How does Feedback on Students’ Diagramming Affect Monitoring Accuracy of their Text Comprehension? - Emily Corwin-Renner (University of Tübingen, Germany) – SIG8
Exploring and Improving Students’ Enjoyment-Based Metamotivational Strategies - Evropi Efthymiadou (University of Thessaloniki, Greece) – SIG8
Adolescents’ Possible Selves in a Changing and Challenging World: The School as a Motivating Context for Shaping Hoped-for Academic Possible Selves - Meg Farrell (Technical University Munich, Germany) – SIG8
The Dynamic Role of Preservice Teachers’ Video-Analysis Situational Interest in Instructional Design - Franziska Frohberg (University of Leipzig, Germany) – SIG8
Implicit Theories of Intelligence in Student Teachers - Inga ten Hagen (Technical University Dortmund, Germany) – SIG8
“Can I teach this Student?”: Motivational Implications of Teachers’ Perceived Teaching Effectiveness - Alla Hemi (Bar-Illan University, Israel) – SIG8
Motivational Climate, Identity Formation Styles and Adolescents‘ Achievement Goals - Johannes Jud (University of Basel, Switzerland) – SIG8&16
Teachers’ Motivation: Predictors and Impacts of Teachers’ Expectations and Values on the Promotion of Self-Regulated Learning - Henriikka Juntunen (University of Helsinki, Finland) – SIG8
University Students’ Motivational Trajectories and Well-Being - Emmi Kaila (Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland) – SIG16
Designing Learning Tools to Foster University Students’ Self-Regulation in Thesis Processes - Kerstin Kisielski (Technical University Dresden, Germany) – SIG8
Development and Validation of the Task-Specific Expectancy-Value Form of Learning Motivation - Annika Luisa Koch (Technical University Dortmund, Germany) – SIG8
Teacher Motivation and Perspective-Specific vs. Common Teacher-Student Ratings of Teaching Quality - Ulku Kozluca (Exeter University, United Kingdom) – SIG8
Investigation of ESL Writing Anxiety in an Academic Context: A Study on International Postgraduate Students Studying in the UK - Clara Kuhn (University of Salzburg, Austria) – SIG8
The Role of Motivation in the Experiences and Behaviours of Mentor Teachers in the School Practicum - Helena Laudel (Technical University Dresden, Germany) – SIG8
Self-Regulation after Failure Feedback: Supporting Adaptive Reactions through Prompting Internal Feedback, Self-Compassion or both - Kelsey Losenno (McGill University, Canada) – SIG8
The Development of Emotion Regulation during Elementary Aged Students‘ Mathematics Problem Solving - Laura Menschaart (Erasmus University Rotterdam;
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) – SIG8&16
Self-Regulated Learning and Achievement Emotions in Service Mathematics Education - Lihi Sarfaty (University of Haifa, Israel) – SIG16
The Relations between Parental Psychological Functioning and the Internalization of Self-Regulation and School Readiness in Young Children - Katja Saxer (University of Bern, Switzerland) – SIG8
Climate Change in Schools – Student Well-being, School Climate and Class Climate - Tatiana Shubina (University of Oulu, Finland) – SIG8
Secondary School Students’ Interest in Collaborative Learning Settings - Meropi Simou (University of Thessaloniki, Greece) – SIG8
Academic and Psychological Help Seeking among Students in Higher Education: Investigating Alternative Profiles and Planning a Psychoeducational Intervention to Promote Help-Seeking Behaviors - Thijmen Van Alphen (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) – SIG8
Effects of Future Time Perspective and Buoyancy on Teacher Stress and Their Professional Learning - Christiana Varda (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus) – SIG8
Informal Learning on Social Media: Understanding the Role of Emotions in Supporting Epistemic Engagement during Online Information Evaluation